
Irving's description of independence

Like Washington Irving wrote in Rip Van Winkle, Irving describe that the life of American citizen. He said their lives did not change a lot. Even Rip sleep for twenty years, his life did not change so much. He still lives in an old way. A lot of things changed after independency revolution. In history, how the American independency war changed the life of people and the society.

For the whole country, the revolution announced the independence of U.S. It means the united State is no longer a colony of British. It is a country now. There are many staffs which should be done as a country. Firstly, the country needs its own law. They could not use the law of Britain any more. They need to fit their own land. Secondly, even united state independent from Britain, they still face the situation that they may attack by Europe countries. Britain never wants to lose their land. The new United State is also going to war with Indian Tribe (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_differences_between_the_Declaration_of_Independence_and_the_US_Constitution).


Just like Irving said, the life of Americans did not change so much. One of the reason is that people in American lives much more independency from government. Most people only show the interest in the government activity. It changes really a little with the change or elective of government. In fact, most people did not know how they run with the elective (http://www.governmentisgood.com/feature.php?fid=3). Most time, people always feel good with that the government gives them. In fact, American government really did very good with what the government gave them.

Indians and Africa Americans play a important role in revolution. Those people join the military, and fight with Britain army. That makes Americans to think about their right. All these people construct the staffs to make United State think more about the freedom and human right. Not only for special group of people, but should be equal for all of them(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_States).


Since the United State from Britain, many things changed. The government is constructed. The countries begin to consider the sprite of united state which attracts many different people join united state later.

