
Poe and darkness in human’s mind

Most time people talking about beautiful life and life full of positive things. However, some things happen out of our image. We also should face many failures. Edgar Allen Poe always write a different tome of passive, but it is also the life. In this blog, I want to talk about how the passive feeling effect our work and life. I also want to talk about why passive feeling is also important to people.

Poe did not live in a happy family. Instead, he face a lot unfortunate things during whole his life. He is the first one who known as writing literature for life. He is always lack of money, his wife die only two years after his marriage wedding. When Poe is young, he did not finish his university as usual. His step farther only pays one-third tuitions for his university which cause Poe go betting with other people for money. However, he got bad luck. Even later, Poe becomes famous with his literature. When he died, he is only 40 years old (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe).

Most of Poe's literatures show craziness. Bad human kinds, something unusual, all things happened in Poe's fiction are abnormal, but they seem so reasonable. Every people have his dark side. The Bible also told us that human has seven sins.
  1. A proud look.
  2. A lying tongue.
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood.
  4. A heart that devises wicked plots.
  5. Feet that are swift to run into mischief.
  6. A deceitful witness that uttereth lies.
  7. Him that soweth discord among brethren.
No matter how kind a person is, he never escapes from these deadly sins. When people face a big trouble, the first idea come with us is so evil. Fortunately, most time we can control our body. We did things kind while we had a evil idea. However, once we could not control our mind, the devil comes. There is an old saying, human have no need to afraid the demons unless we lose our mind.

Overall, Poe shows a different face of human beings. A craziness world is without controlling their mind. It is abnormal to most people. However, it does exist in our mind. We see what happened in Poe's fiction, and keep remind ourselves which help us keep our mind in a right way.

