
The slavery in U.S.A

It is well known that the slavery existed for a long time. We do not know when 
it began.  One thing that we can sure is that those Africa Americans played a 
really important role in United State. They are a part of Americans and shared 
the same right like all other citizen.  I want to know how they sell to U.S.A and 
how the situation they had.

The African American had the same history as the Europeans in American.  When the Europeans begin to set their colony, they need lot workers for their setting of colony.  One of the best ways   to solve this problem is using slaver to do all those staff.  Those slaver do not need reward. All they need is a space to sleep and food to eat. Most time slave plant or hunt for them.  These slavers came from two parts. Some of them are African who captured to American as slaver for sale.  The Triangle Trade is the name that is the event that voyage among Africa, American and Europe. Those sailors got Africa black from Africa by buy or just capture.  Another source that Britain colony got slaver is Native American. Since there are several war between native Indians. Many Indians became slaver in Europeans’ colony. They do the thing, which is the same they did in Africa.

Since slavery become very popular in U.S.A, the agriculture improved a lot in U.S.A. North American use huge numbers of slaver to plant. As a result, North America has a much more advanced economic than South America.  At that time, those slavers are treated so terrible, and most of them do not have human right.  However, the government did not want to stop slavery. One of the important reasons is that slavery is good for government.  The government is also creating law for slavery. They could not be taught and will be punished if escape. These two laws destroyed the hope of slavers. It means they face huge problems for free themselves. The lords also have the right to shot those who escaped.
All in all, slavery is a strict role for that Africa Americans. It not only took their
  faith away, but also took off their future. However, it benefits the government and the union of the country. So it is reasonable at that time. When the American free citizen begins to think about the human right, new conflicts begins.

