
The New World Religion

It is really strange for Asian peoples to know why the religion could play a so important role in a country. In Europe, the Roman Catholic even had more power than the government in each country. It more like the Union Nations, keep countries in peace and solve contacts. So it is not so strange that most writers in the New World are those people who serve for god. I want to talk about how Jonathon Edwards improve the new World religion.

It is these people who came to the new land after advancers. Some of them are work for church but have different idea with Roman Catholic. Other people are those who forced to left hometown, or crimes banished to the New World
(http://www.columbia.k12.mo.us/pke/phillips/colonies/whypeoplecametothenewworld.htm). It is not so difficult to image that people in the New World at very early time did not have very high education. Instead, people came to the New World are pool educated. They are lack for food or other necessary for living. It is easy to think about people need to prevent them from hungry or other things which will damage their life.

Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion). It can provide a strong feeling to make people to trust something or have some value. People will trust religion only happened when they get in trouble and lost their heart, or they feel satisfaction in their daily life which is the same or similar in religion books

That is why Jonathon Edwards find it is so difficult with his work. He fined a way to let people to trust God. He had presentation in many public places and let people to image what will happened at least that was described in Bible to them. Then, he successfully frightened them. It works pretty well as a strong weapon to make them think what the right attitude they need for life is

During several years work of do missionary work, many colonies in the New World had its church. Churchmen began to go back and to do their work again. Several new churches are built. It is the basic found of the New World religion. This is why the American religion today is so similar to the European.

