
Anne Bradstreet's Blog

Most poets use their suffering to create their poetry. For example, a traveler poet may focus more on the scenery tell us how beautiful the world is. Other poets may fail with their business and talk more about their own life, expressing the difficulties. This blog will talk about the life of Anne Bradstreet, and analysis how her life affects her poems.

First of all, Anne Bradstreet was a British woman. She was born in a period that women did not have so much education. However, Anne Bradstreet was lucky enough to get education from her father. Anne Bradstreet was also very interested in seeking all kinds of knowledge. It was the beginning of Anne Bradstreet becoming a poet.

In Anne Bradstreet’s poems, she had two important themes of the poem, the religion and the family. For the religion part, Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan. It was a very special period when Britain’s church separated from The Roman Catholic Church to form a new kind of religion. There was a group called puritan. The queen Elizabeth I announced them as a symbol of independence of religion, but things changed very soon. Puritans wanted to have the right for their honor of god. It was a conflict with queen. As a result, they had to leave Britain to keep their pure way to honor the god. The New World is a good choice for them (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritan).

Anne Bradstreet moved to The New World as a puritan’s wife to escape from the British Queen’s punishment. “In 1629, her father and husband had joined a group of very successful men, whose goal was to protect Puritan values from people like the Bishop of Laud and establish their own society in a new land.”

In America, Anne Bradstreet keeps on the puritan way to honor the god which is much more pure without intervening from the king or other people. She shared a lot of fresh ideas in her poem, which is a new unscrambled idea of the bible.

The other part of Anne Bradstreet’s poems is family. “She wrote a lot for her family. She married Simon Bradstreet when she was 16 and they both sailed with her family to America in 1630.” (http://ezinearticles.com/?Anne-Bradstreet,-To-My-Dear-and-Loving-Husband,-A-Discussion&id=21167)

The subject of Anne Bradstreet's love poem is her professed love for her husband. As a women’s side, Anne Bradstreet wants to have a life that has happiness like fairy tales just like any woman’s dreams. She loved her husband, and she loved her 8 children too. She has a lot of poems about her family. The people she loved a lot become her source of poems. She showed all of her love in her poems. Her poems are more likely to be a diary of her mind. She never thought her poems will be published

