
Thomas Paine

As we know that religion plays an important role in American history. Like most European countries, in American’s early time, Church seems much more important than government. In other words, religion deals more effect than government. Here I want to discuss that how Religion changes in American. Some things are about Thomas Paine and why his mind can be so popular in United State.

The religion in American affected a lot by Native and European culture. When the European religion strongly rushed the Native religion, some Native religion idea also affected the church, some people who work for church even seek for ideas from tribe to understand bible in another way. Since these new ideas come into the church, some people who had high education begin to doubt some part of origin religion. There are a lot of new kinds of religion came out. Some of them focus on the nature, and some of them focus on human relationship. Many new different ideas lead to the religion of United State now. Pretty beautiful and opened mind

Now, let us focus on Paine, Paine is a British man. After he arrived American, his mind changed a lot. He began to think about the human themselves. He only believe that god create the world and make rules for everything (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Paine).  However, we still have the power to control ourselves. He said the only one we should faith is our self. In our daily life, we can do much more than we have imaged. He did not trust the church. He did not think that we need any church or priest. He said, they are conjurors, and the god is never affecting our life or history. He also suggests us to live in a logos way. It is very important to avoid controlling by our own emotion

As he stand in the American side to think about the war. Paine is not the only one who is a British but stands at American side, and encourages the independence. Another one is George Washington who become first president later. It can be described by the religion. When people begin to trust themselves instead to trust the god, people live in new land begin to seek for more freedom. Every freedom begin with the freedom of people’s mind

