
The conflict with Europeans and Native Americans

Like most who advanced to the new world, Smith had the same dream and desire for gold or other things which could make him have a nice life. He suffered an extremely difficult period after he landed on new world. He was lacking supplies, and he missed the time to plant agriculture items. He could not keep his men from stealing food from national peoples (57, 58).

It is not so strange that Europeans would force those national people to leave their land because the Spanish and British’s kings were so willing to get the gold from new world. Some of them even gave the power and freedom to the explorers who brought back slaves and gold. In order to take the position of Ocean Lord, Britain even forced prisoners and pirates to defeat the Spanish Navy

However, the change that Europeans brought to the Americans when they invaded was culture. It is really hard to say how much change that Europeans brought after they landed on new world. One of these is that some native people began to recognize that they were not the only humans living in the world, and there was a much more developed world. Some young people voyaged to the Atlantic Ocean to other European Countries, and they brought new ideas and new knowledge back to their tribes. There were many disputes with different values between Europeans and Native Americans such as money and natural balance. Later, those natives would be forced to other place, which is known as the Trails of the Tribe. (http://www.mce.k12tn.net/indians/blueprint/conflict2.htm).

With the Europeans living far away from their homes, they began to live much more peacefully with natives. Native people began to move to colonies so that they could trade with European people. Indians tradition stories were told to Europeans. The Europeans used words to record these legends which were recorded only by memory for a long time before the Europeans came. These legends written on paper were able to be known by people in all worlds (http://www.indianlegend.com/).

