
Benjamin Franklin

"Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One" was published in 1773. It was the time before the Revolutionary War. In that year, a series of events happened in America which is builds to the Revolutionary War. First, the British government increases the tax. The Americans sent representative to Britain. They hoped they could talk to the king about the tax. However, they failed. American people were so angry. They think if their words are meaningless to the king or the Congress, then, they did not need to pay the tax. Many business organizations smuggle to against the government, but they faced pressure from the Kingdom http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/revolution/rev-prel.htm).

One of the most famous events happened at that time is the Boston tea party http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party). Some tea businessmen begin to smuggle tea from China and India to reduce the cost in tax. In December 16th 1773, four ships, which were full of tea, refused to enter the port. People in revolution organization got on the ship, destroy this tea, and sink into the ocean.

This is an important event. People in America soon showed their different attitude in the event. The funny thing is, as a hero after USA build, Franklin try to against the revolution at that time. He did not think people did right thing. Instead, he trusted that people should pay for this tea from tax. Franklin turned his attitude into support only after his trust the revolution will success.

With these events began in America, Franklin began to think about problems existing in Britain. The edge part will have problem first. Just like a cake. These edge places will separate first because of lack of control from central government. He also mentioned that the government should listen to the sound from edge people. Even he did not agree with the independency through the war. He also noticed the Britain government, if the war begins in colony, they would face a lot of problems. Franklin showed a lot of evidence and reason to let the Britain know what was wrong. He saw a lot conflict in last few years. After feeling nothing from the Britain government, Franklin began to support the revolution.

In 18 countries, even a lot conflicts began. Most people in America still lived in a peaceful way. However, they begin to face problems such as high tax. Native businessmen begin to lose their market and opportunities on selling. When the war began, the newborn USA had big problems in the economy. The company broke down. USA also lost the chance to output their product. The British product is much cheaper. The new government chose to stop trade with Britain. However, it failed. The output reduced a lot, and sailors lost their work.

It is that time, USA's production industry improved a lot. Newly built factories produced enough to against the British items. The USA found the way to independence from the Britain. A way cut the dependency of the Britain.

At these years, disasters go through the whole of America. A lot of people died in different disasters. It is the problem from the slave trade. Slavers bring many diseases from their own country.

During that period, Franklin began to change his mind to support the independency. At that time, many conflicts began, and the British government showed no ability to stop them. Several years before 1773, the Americans seemed like sheep without any idea of change. They felt good with the convenience from British government. Now everything changed. People want to show their mind because they did not feel good with the tax and acts. Before that point, Franklin may say much more about how to deal with these conflicts like advice, and it more like an alert or warning.


Chinese Government VS American Government

When we talk about the difference between China and USA, the two governments are always compared. Since both China and USA are huge countries, they really have two different senses in government. Here i would like to compare several staff between two countries. How the citizens effect the government? How much the power holds by two countries? In addition, how country machines affect our life.

One of the most important differences between Chinese government and USA government is how much people can affect government. In USA, most time citizen did not have too much affect on government. Citizen elective for member of government, but most time people did not know about whom they are voting to. Same thing happens in China too. When the government launches a vote for some position, the government will release a list of people. However, most time, we did not know them. The difference is, citizen can go straightly to figure out some one in position but did something wrong. Then the government will go and do research on them. In USA, citizen did not have this right. However, a group citizen can ask for organization to check the problem

The efficient in two governments are different. Chinese government can build a building in a mouth. It could never happen in USA. When I just arrived Jacksonville, my friends told me that the government is building a high way. Now, two years passed, the road did no more than 10 miles. In Shanghai, when the government wants to build a 200 floor high building, they only spend one year to finish the work. When USA has some nature disaster, the army may spend so much time before they go out of their base. In china, when earthquake happened, the army gets in to disaster area in two hours. USA government has a much stricter rule for working. It is much more right, but cost more time. Chinese government works more like a random way to do that

The two governments have their own advantages. We cannot say which one is better because both governments are challenged for hundreds years.


Poe and darkness in human’s mind

Most time people talking about beautiful life and life full of positive things. However, some things happen out of our image. We also should face many failures. Edgar Allen Poe always write a different tome of passive, but it is also the life. In this blog, I want to talk about how the passive feeling effect our work and life. I also want to talk about why passive feeling is also important to people.

Poe did not live in a happy family. Instead, he face a lot unfortunate things during whole his life. He is the first one who known as writing literature for life. He is always lack of money, his wife die only two years after his marriage wedding. When Poe is young, he did not finish his university as usual. His step farther only pays one-third tuitions for his university which cause Poe go betting with other people for money. However, he got bad luck. Even later, Poe becomes famous with his literature. When he died, he is only 40 years old (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe).

Most of Poe's literatures show craziness. Bad human kinds, something unusual, all things happened in Poe's fiction are abnormal, but they seem so reasonable. Every people have his dark side. The Bible also told us that human has seven sins.
  1. A proud look.
  2. A lying tongue.
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood.
  4. A heart that devises wicked plots.
  5. Feet that are swift to run into mischief.
  6. A deceitful witness that uttereth lies.
  7. Him that soweth discord among brethren.
No matter how kind a person is, he never escapes from these deadly sins. When people face a big trouble, the first idea come with us is so evil. Fortunately, most time we can control our body. We did things kind while we had a evil idea. However, once we could not control our mind, the devil comes. There is an old saying, human have no need to afraid the demons unless we lose our mind.

Overall, Poe shows a different face of human beings. A craziness world is without controlling their mind. It is abnormal to most people. However, it does exist in our mind. We see what happened in Poe's fiction, and keep remind ourselves which help us keep our mind in a right way.